I think it's safe to say that we've all gotten behind the wheel when we were tired.
I know I have.
To offset the drowsiness, I've opened the windows, cranked the AC, turned up the radio (but not too loud), tried not to stare off into the distance for too long, chugged coffee, etc.
But I also have to say, if I knew the statistics, I would've made better choices.
It's been reported that over 1500 deaths per year are caused by drowsy drivers. And the risk of being responsible for, or the victim of, a drowsy driving accident just isn't worth it.
So what can we do to avoid it?
Our friends at Mattress Clarity provide some answers, as well as more enlightening information about drowsy driving in general.
Click over to see who's most at risk, what car companies are doing to mitigate the dangers, and what you can do to help make the roads safer for all of us.
Sleep well,
Founder, Dēp Slēpwear