In December 2019, I did an interview with
The Sleep Forum. It was about giving and getting the gift of sleep. Naturally, I was trying to create awareness about Dēp Slēpwear during this crucial time of the year - roughly 70% of all sleepwear sales are generated during the holidays. But today, as I look back on that, I'm struck by the fact that sleep is something we need to pay more attention to every single day, all year round. Sure, we may be a bit more sleep deprived during the holidays, but if we give sleep its due during the other ELEVEN MONTHS of the year, we may all be better able to handle the stress, strain and lack of sleep that affects many of us during the holidays!
Anyways, as always, I enjoyed my time speaking with Ruth Marion of The Sleep Forum. And we brought out some good points that can hopefully help more people sleep better every day of the year.
You can listen to the interview here: